Dr. Rosario R. Trifiletti, MD PhD


Dr. Trifiletti received his MD and Ph.D. (Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeu/cs) from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 1986. He did his Child Neurology fellowship at the Neurological Ins/tute of New York, followed by full-/me laboratory research at Columbia and Cornell University School of Medicine. At Cornell, in 1998, he first heard about the very new condi/on called “PANDAS” from a close collaborator of Dr. Susan Swedo and spent the next 25 years of his career studying the condi/on, since renamed PANDAS/PANS in 2013. During this period, he also served as Chief of Child Neurology and co-director of the Au/sm Center of NJ at UMDNJ-Newark. He has been in private prac/ce since 2009 and directs the PANDAS/PANS Ins/tute in Westwood, NJ. Dr. Trifilef is recognized as one of the pioneers in the field of PANDAS/PANS, having seen over 5,000 pa/ents with this condi/on over the last 25 years. Most recently, he has been deeply involved in the clinical gene/cs of PANDAS/PANS and led a landmark study, published in Nature in July 2022, repor/ng the first genes associated with PANDAS/PANS risk. Dr. Trifilef’s interest in PANDAS/PANS has stemmed, in part, from his recogni/on, made several years ago, of its close rela/onship to rapid-onset au/sm.

OnDemand Videos

PANDAS/PANS: Autism’s First Cousin

PANDAS/PANS: Autism’s First Cousin
