Unlocking Speech with Innate Rhythmic and Reflex Movements

In this engaging presentation you will see videos, research, and case studies about the connection of speech development with innate rhythmic and reflex integration tools. Experience 5 innate rhythmic movements you can use immediately, and find out why these special neurodevelopmental movements are a key factor in unlocking speech.

Writing for Whistleblowers

What typifies the average scientific whistleblower? Are they the canaries in the coal mine warning us of danger, or are they self-aggrandizing narcissists who are planning on getting rich? Few people have had more experience with this rare breed than Kent Heckenlively, who’s worked with whistleblowers in medicine, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Frank Ruscetti, Dr. […]

Waves that Heal: Treating Children in the Autism Spectrum

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla This lecture will explore innovative, cutting-edge aspects of Energy Medicine including the use and application of frequency, vibration and energy using Bio resonance and advanced scanning technology, […]

Autism: “a gut dysbiosis problem”

Autism is thought to affect 1/16 kids by 2033 How did we get here? What can we learn from COVID that can help us figure out the etiology behind autism? Is autism a brain etiology or a gut etiology? What are the treatment options in the future to look for? The lecture will look at […]

Restoring Brain Structure and Function in Autism using Targeted Plasmalogen Precursors and Mitochondrial Support Supplements

Perpetual neuroinflammation is the core neurological challenge in autism. Mitochondrial insufficiency is the core cause of the perpetual nature of the inflammation. Delayed and dysfunctional myelination is the core consequence of the perpetual neuroinflammation. A core component of myelin is a phospholipid called plasmalogen. Myelin development is dependent upon sufficient intra-brain biosynthesis of plasmalogens in […]
