What is QRI?
Why Primitive Reflexes are Important?
How cold laser can repair, regenerate, and help the nervous system mature? Summary and questions
Speaker: Bonnie Brandes
What is QRI?
Why Primitive Reflexes are Important?
How cold laser can repair, regenerate, and help the nervous system mature? Summary and questions
Speaker: Bonnie Brandes
Bonnie Brandes: For the past 30 years, Bonnie has devoted herself to working with children and adults with learning disabilities, behavioral issues, and physical challenges. She began as an advocate and counselor for Utah State Department of Rehabilitation in Vernal, Utah. She later became a special education teacher in middle school and then the special education department chair for San Diego High School. Bonnie has a B.S. from Utah State University in Psychology and Behavior Modification and a Masters in Multicultural Language Development from National University. She has studied herbs and nutrition for over 40 years and has a back- ground in kinesiology programs as Touch for Health. Bonnie’s book on primitive reflexes, “The Symphony of Reflexes: Interventions for human development, autism, ADHD, CP, and Other Neurological Disorders was listed on Amazon’s hot sellers and introduces “Brain Boost,” a program used to assist in reflex integration.
Bonnie has developed and introduced an innovative program called Quantum Reflex Integration. QRI uses the QRI Harmonic low level laser combined with sound frequencies, as well as reflex integration techniques. Bonnie has worked with frequencies for over 30 years using various machines and generators. She trains professionals and parents internationally on how to use the QRI protocols for children and adults. The QRI™ protocols are also presented in a home program or taught in classes that parents and specialists find easy to follow or taught in various QRI classes. Children and adults both enjoy the program and often request laser sessions. Therapists around the world are getting results with their clients and are using the program for themselves as well. Individuals with conditions such as autism, ADD/ ADHD, brain injuries, cerebral palsy, dementia, learning disabilities, Parkinson’s disease, strokes, and pain are finding improvement with QRI™ reflex integration.