Use of Methylene Blue for Issues in Autism

Methylene blue is the oldest pharmaceutical that is still in use. It has historically been used as an antidote for certain types of poisoning/toxicity as well as in the treatment of sepsis.  The properties of methylene are diverse and appear to include treatment of certain stationary phases of infections as well as mitochondrial dysfunction. In […]

Waves that Heal: Treating Children in the Autism Spectrum

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla This lecture will explore innovative, cutting-edge aspects of Energy Medicine including the use and application of frequency, vibration and energy using Bio resonance and advanced scanning technology, […]

Microbiota Transplant Study for Adults with Autism

This presentation will cover the results of a major Phase 2 clinical trial of Microbiota Transplant Therapy (MTT) for adults on the autism spectrum. This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study for Part 1, and then in Part 2 the placebo group received a similar treatment, and the original treatment group received an extra 8 weeks of […]

Restoring Brain Structure and Function in Autism using Targeted Plasmalogen Precursors and Mitochondrial Support Supplements

Perpetual neuroinflammation is the core neurological challenge in autism. Mitochondrial insufficiency is the core cause of the perpetual nature of the inflammation. Delayed and dysfunctional myelination is the core consequence of the perpetual neuroinflammation. A core component of myelin is a phospholipid called plasmalogen. Myelin development is dependent upon sufficient intra-brain biosynthesis of plasmalogens in […]

Autism: “a gut dysbiosis problem”

Autism is thought to affect 1/16 kids by 2033 How did we get here? What can we learn from COVID that can help us figure out the etiology behind autism? Is autism a brain etiology or a gut etiology? What are the treatment options in the future to look for? The lecture will look at […]

CDC Whistleblower: Ten Years Later.

I will be talking about what has transpired in the past ten years regarding vaccines and autism, especially in light of the fraud that was exposed at the CDC.  The presentation will include an update on the latest vaccine safety science as well as prospects for the future.

The Houston Homeopathy Method: A Causation Elimination Approach to Healing Autism and PANDAS

Based on the multiple contributing factors discovered by biomedical researchers in autism and PANDAS, and the diversity of behavioral and developmental manifestations and physical symptoms of autism, the homeopaths at Homeopathy Center of Houston developed a unique causation-focused program to heal Autism Spectrum Disorders and PANDAS. Sequential Homeopathy is the backbone of the Houston Homeopathy […]
