The functional neurological approach to autism spectrum disorder.
Functional Neurology allows for the evaluation assessment of brain function and peripheral nerve activity, which allows a host of therapeutic approaches to generate plasticity. Plastic changes to the brain improves connectivity by generating neurogenesis, synaptogenesis, glial cell support and apoptosis inherit to any consideration of brain plasticity. The state or level of inflammation can inhibit […]
Sunday South East Regional Room with Laurie Connell
Guest: Sylvia Young – Frequency Healing Success Stories
18 Reasons We Can’t Sleep: A Non-Pharmaceutical Treatment Plan for a Happy and Rested Family
Attend this workshop and learn the many side-effects of sleeplessness and the many underlying causes. Gain knowledge on how to address sleep without the use potentially harmful pharmaceuticals. Walk away with a highly effective nutritional and integrative treatment plan: Addressing Nutritional Deficiencies & Food Sensitivities Searching for other Root Causes Why Melatonin May Not Be […]
Ancestral Healing for Autism, PANS, and Beyond: Releasing the Burden for Our Children
As parents and practitioners of complex kids, we are familiar with how environmental toxins affect the body, the brain, behaviors, and ultimately every facet of our day-to-day lives. But an area that is unfamiliar and often overlooked is that of transgenerational traumas and how they impact a child’s ability to heal. As most of you […]
Unlocking Speech with Innate Rhythmic and Reflex Movements
In this engaging presentation you will see videos, research, and case studies about the connection of speech development with innate rhythmic and reflex integration tools. Experience 5 innate rhythmic movements you can use immediately, and find out why these special neurodevelopmental movements are a key factor in unlocking speech.
THE X FACTOR: A holistic approach to improving the health of your mouth and the gut by avoiding neurotoxic fluoride.
This presentation will present the practical benefits of using Xylitol daily, and how it will improve the health of your child with Autism as well as the entire family.
Q&A Live Zoom with Goodenowe, Heckenlively, Giustra-Kozek
Writing for Whistleblowers
What typifies the average scientific whistleblower? Are they the canaries in the coal mine warning us of danger, or are they self-aggrandizing narcissists who are planning on getting rich? Few people have had more experience with this rare breed than Kent Heckenlively, who’s worked with whistleblowers in medicine, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Frank Ruscetti, Dr. […]