PANDAS/PANS: Autism’s First Cousin
One major problem confronting many parents of autistic children face is a delay in diagnosis. Improvements in education regarding the “early signs of autism” have allowed many parents to correctly predict an autism diagnosis in their child before the age of 18 months. However, the CDC reports that 85% of parents have had concerns before […]
The Power of Rapid Prompting Method: Gavin Schultz’s Communication Story.
Gavin and Cindy Schultz will present about Rapid Prompting Method and how it has opened a whole new world for him over the past 15 plus years. RPM is so much more than just a letterboard. Gavin has learned so much using this teach and ask method. He loves to write many amazing insightful writings. He will share […]
Q&A Live Zoom with Cassano, Holland, Hooker, Griffin, Schultz
Q&A Live Zoom with Adams, Brewster, Isaia, Kartzinel, and Yardley
Regulating the Nervous System – A Short Course on the WHY and the HOW for Caregivers and Forever Parents.
In this presentation, I will outline how a dysregulated nervous system contributes to lower health outcomes and then I will link those to our lives as caregivers (ie, we HAVE to be as healthy as possible because of our responsibilities). I will then share 3-5 specific techniques/strategies that caregivers can use today that will help […]
The First 1000 Days, How Maternal & and Early Dietary & Environmental Exposures Shape the Developing Immune, Neuro & Endocrine/Metabolic Systems: Opportunities & Outcomes
The First 1000 Days, How Maternal & and Early Dietary & Environmental Exposures Shape the Developing Immune, Neuro & Endocrine/Metabolic Systems: Opportunities & Outcomes–An important discussion on what you need to know about your child’s developing microbiome and how diet impacts their overall development and health-span for a lifetime. Presentation abstract: Geri Brewster, RD, MPH, […]
Q&A Live Zoom with Hazan, Neuenschwander, Shapiro, Smeltzer
The Challenge of a Lifetime: Building the Home Life Community
The CDC has estimated over 5,000,000 adults have autism and it is estimated that 1/3 of these adults – that’s 1.7 million adults, have intellectual challenges that will require life-long support and programs. At Home Life Community, we are Imagineering resort-like forever homes located on 42 wooded acres that will provide an environment to encourage […]
The Vital Role of the Neurologist for Individuals with Seizures in Autism
Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) can happen to individuals with autism. Can anything prevent SUDEP? Are there advancements in science to help children with epilepsy? This presentation will discuss medications and supplements with regard to the topics of seizures, ammonia, sleep, hyperactivity, and more.
Thursday South East Regional with Laurie Connell
Guest Speaker: Alan Ogden-The Role of Glutathione andNootropics in Autism Spectrum Disorder